Thursday 2 May 2013

Journeyman Battle Report 25 Points pIrusk Vs pHexeris

My opponent in this match was a friend who got me into Warmachine and Hordes, so to me this match wasn't just important for the sake of the journeyman, but also I was smarting from a rather poor defeat I suffered in our last match so I had a lot riding on this match,so this made the much rather personal, moreso as we're both very competitive. As with the previous match we were using the scenario detailed below

Journeyman Month 2 Scenario: 2 medium sized objectives 24" apart and 12" from each table edge, 1CP for controlling, 2 for dominating (controlling with 'Caster/'Lock), CPs were gained from the 1st players second turn.


pIrusk (+6 WJPs)

Beast 09 (11)

Doom Reavers (6)
Greylord Escort (2)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5)
Widowmakers (4) 

Saxon Orrick (2)
Wardog (1)


pHexeris (+6 WBPs)

Titan Gladiator (8)
Rhinodon (7)
Razorworm (4)

Praetorian Swordsmen Maximum Unit (6)
Praetorian Swordsmen Officer and Standard (2)
Paingivers Minimum Unit (2)

Agoniser (2)

I won the roll for deployment and deployed Irusk, Beast and the dog in their regular triangle formation, Beast up front, Irusk at the back and the dog off to the left, just right of a forest. The Bears deployed behind a wall on the right flank. My opponent then deployed his Swordsmen in a block opposite Irusk and co with the Paingivers and Hexeris just behind, the Rhinodon deployed to their right in the centre of the board with the Titan just right of that. I then placed my Advance Deploying models, the Doom Reavers and Escort screening Irusk with Saxon deployed in the centre and the Widowmakers camped behind a set of walls just outside of Abomination range from the Doom Reavers, my opponent then placed his Razorworm deployedin front of the Rhinodon.

Khador Turn 1

My turn began with Saxon walking upto the hill in the middle of the field before using Reconnasiance on the Doom Reavers, who in turn ran short of the left objective. The Bears activated next running forwards leaving a charge distance between the right objective and themselves. The widowmakers moved forward slightly, trying to hang back so not to get entangled in the resultant combat that was due to ensue. Irusk then cast Superiority on Beast, before making a failed charge towards the Swordsmen, then before ending his activation he cast Inhospitable Ground in order to try to slow my opponent's advance, the dog then ran in front of Irusk to block LOS to Irusk and was swiftly followed by Beast, running for free due to his Heavy Boiler.

Skorne Turn 1

Firstly my opponent, due to being within Hexeris' tier my opponent got free upkeeps for the first turn, casting Psychic Vampire, Soul Slave on the Razorworm and Death March on the Swordsmen. The Razorworm ran moved forward on to the hill and used it's action to dig in. The Swordsmen ran forwards, being slowed by Inhospitable Ground, the Rhinodon running over to the right objective, being followed by two Paingivers riling it for two fury. The Titan then activated and used his animus walking forwards just behind the Razorworm, leaving Hexeris to move further over to the right, dumping five fury onto the Agoniser who followed Hexeris closely.

Khador Turn 2 - Feat Turn

Upkeeping superiority, my turn began once again with Saxon moving forwards and using Reconnaisance on the Doom Reavers, who then Charged the Razorworm, Swordsmen and Titan, killing the Razorworm, two Swordsmen and hurting the Titan, but failing to cripple any aspects on it. The Bears walked to within an inch of the right hand objective with Beast running a few inches behind them. The widowmakers then walked forward and attempted to shoot some Swordsmen thougth their shots failed to connect. Irusk then walked forwards casting Inhospitable ground again and popped his feat (in hindsight I should've done this first to get the RAT and MAT buffs), with the dog moving to block LOS again.

Skorne Turn 2

Having upkept Psychic Vampire and Deathmarch my opponent then Reaved fury from the Titan and Rhinodon putting Hexeris' fury to five. The Rhinodon charged Beast dealing four damage to him, then swung at the Great Bears killing Kolsk and Volokov (no more Steady or Relentless Charge). The Titan moved forward and attempted to hit the Doom Reavers, hitting them, though they all passed their tough rolls (on 5s and 6s despite Irusk's feat being up, lol). The Swordsmen charged into the Doom Reavers, connecting and failing to kill any Reavers once again due to their tough rolls. The Paingivers walked forward, one medicating the Titan for three damage, the others moving towards the Rhinodon Hexeris then activated walking further forward casting Soul Fire killing a Widowmaker, the Agoniser walked to behind a wall.

Khador Turn 3

Once again upkeeping Superiority, the last Bear (Yarovich) took two swings at the Rhindon, having moved round to threaten the approaching Paingivers, followed by Beast connecting with both axe and fist leaving the Rhinodon on four health. The Reavers attacked the Swordsmen taking out four of them. Irusk moved forwards casting Iron Flesh on himself and walked into a Swordsman, killing him then taking his Quick Work shot to kill a further Swordsman, the dog moved towards the objective. The widowmakers moved forwards taking a further Swordsman down, Saxon moved closer to Irusk taking a shot at the Swordsman UA missing, bringing my turn to an end.

Skorne Turn 3 -Feat Turn

Upkeeping both spells, Hexeris activated, having reaved fury from the Titan and Agoniser, as the Rhindon was out of range, but passed it's thershold check, popping his feat, moving and healing the Rhinodon for  two boxes, giving it back it's spirit and mind, then again cast Soul fire to kill another Widowmaker. The Swordsmen then activated, charging the Doom Reavers. In doing so they lost a man to a wardog counter charge, going on to deal some damage to the Greylord Escort and kill a Doom Reaver, who (due to Hexy's feat) moved and struck down the Doom Reaver leader, who then moved and failed to connect with a Reaver currently engaged with the Titan. The Titan activated, missing with all, but his last attack, killing a Doom Reaver who then killed the Reaver next to him and that Reaver the killed another Reaver, who was forced to attack the Titan, failing to do any damage. The Rhinodon activated attacking both Beast and Yarovich, crippling Beast's Ice Axe and leaving Yarovich on one health. The Paingivers activated one attacking Yarovich, the others moving closer to the Rhinodon and the Titan, the Paingiver attacking Yarovich missed. The Agoniser moved behind a wall and ended the turn.

Khador Turn 4

Upkeeping Superiority and Iron Flesh, Saxon charged the Titan, dealing a little damage and taking a point of fury from him due to his Skinning Knife. The Widowmakers stood still and killed off two more Swordsmen. Irusk then attacked another Swordsman, killing him, then killing the Swordsman UA with his Quick work shot, while the dog took out the last Swordsman. The Escort moved closer to the objective failing to take it. Yarovich then activated killing a Paingiver and dealing some damage to  the Rhinodon. Beast then activated killing off the Rhinodon. Irusk moved around the objective, trying to get a shot at Hexeris, and was found to be out of range.

Skorne Turn 4

With Psychic Vampire being upkept, the Paingivers activated, killing Yarovich as well as killing the Greylord Escort. The Titan then attacked Saxon Orrik, killing him with a Gauntlet strike. Hexeris moved up behind the Titan, casting Obiteration at Irusk, deviating and landing on a Widowmaker and killing him. The Agoniser moved in close behind and my opponent passed the turn.

Khador Turn 5

Irusk upkept Superiority and Iron Flesh, moving forward taking two shots at Hexeris dropping him to 13 health. the Dog then walked round the objective to grant Irusk with the extra DEF buff, leaving the lone Widowmaker to attempt a shot at Hexeris, having moved to block any charges at Irusk, missing him narrowly. Beast then activated moving into base to base with the last objective and killing the two Paingivers contesting the objective.

Khador CPs 1 Skorne CPs 0

Skorne Turn 5

Hexeris activated, using Soulfire to remove the last Widowmaker then charged Irusk, bringing him down to eleven health. The Agoniser ran between Irusk and Hexeris, leaving the last Paingiver to attempt a charge only to be taken down by the wardog. The Titan then activated using his animus, charging and squashing the Wardog, leaving Irusk in melee range of a Skorne Warlock, Beast and (though more annoying than being a threat) the Agoniser.

Khador CPs 2 Skorne Cps 0

Khador Turn 6 

Upkeeping Superiority Irusk activated, walking around the Titan's base and spending all his focus to try and kill the Titan (a longshot, but given the situation it seemed the best option), failing to cripple any aspects. Beast stayed by the objective and I passed the turn.

Khador CPs 3 Skorne CPs 0

Skorne Turn 6

Hexeris attacked Irusk, failing to do any damage to Irusk with all his attacks, leaving it to the the Titan who missed with all his attacks apart from the last one and scored 12 damage, killing Irusk.

Owww... I have got to say that this was proabably the closest game I've played in my whole time of playing any wargames. I made several mistakes in the game, not choosing to run and take a free strike on my last turn, activating Irusk's feat at the end of the turn instead of the beginning, also not having Irusk near to Beast so he could allocate focus. However, as I've been told after all the harsh loses I've had it's just a game and you should just learn why you lost, then apply that to your playstyle. Ultimately you will become a better player and if the people you play also do the same you will all improve your game. So whilst I'm slightly irritated at the way the game went I'll get better and replay my opponent and next time it may turn out better, or I may face another loss and just keep having to get better. Just remember page 5 be graceful in defeat, always remember it's a game and give it your all, but most of all, enjoy yourselves.

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